
Monday, October 8, 2018


2nd Man is in the middle of a big project at work and couldn't go out this weekend so I was on my own.

When I got to the farm, our driveway had the 7 growing baby ducks from 2nd Family pecking around in the grass.  They are too stinkin' cute! 

They let me get close enough to touch one of them and then they ran off.  And of course, where one goes, the others followed, and they soon left to go back "home" to 2nd Family.

Since it was sunny and clear, I was able to mow for the first time in a couple of weeks.  It was warmer than it should be in October but I was able to have my Zen time and that was a nice thing.

A nice day to get away from everything, the news, the world, some time on the porch was a necessity.  I made a tall glass of iced tea, kicked back in the rocking chair and just listened to birds chirping and the distant bark of a dog.  It was nice. 

When I got home, we had a nice dinner and yes, like the pitcher above say (we totally need to buy this by the way, ha) it was "a margarita kind of day" and we had two nice homemade ones.

How is your weekend going?


  1. How wonderful to be surprised by those precious ducklings. Sooo cute!
    Your day at the Farm, with the animals, birds, sunshine, and sittin’ a spell on the porch drinking ice tea sounds idyllic - and just what the soul needs after everything lately.
    Oh yes, you definitely HAVE to get that Margarita pitcher!

    1. Yes, idyllic is a great word. It really was. And yes, the margarita pitcher I should definitely go back and get it.

  2. Now, you are using their vacation home? The bugs must be better on your side of the fence. It is still in the 90s here, or so say the thermometers.

    1. LOL, they were not happy and waddled their way back through the pasture to their neck of the woods, ha. Maybe we do have good bugs, less disturbed, ha. Yep, 90 here today. But they say a cold front is coming, our first real one of the season!

  3. 86 up here today. and humid. NOT autumn weather!

    1. PS - do you ever leave comments on another blog with the handle "houstonray"?

    2. Yes, on lots of blogs, in fact I figured that was how you found us here. If we're thinking of the same one of course. Tell Joe I said hello! ;-)

    3. I think I found you thru john gray's "going gently" blog. three of my other friends, "fearsome beard" and "cubbypq" and "blobby" also leave comments on joe's blog. squeeeeee!

  4. TheHub had zen time at the lake. I raked which is not as zen like, but it is certainly mindless. Did I mention it is still in the 90's and not exactly leaf raking weather, yet those suckers are falling anyway.

    1. It's not even close to Fall here either. I hope we get this front by next weekend. I need some cool weather to get my list of projects done, ha. Hey you could make raking zenlike if you made patterns in the yard, ha.

  5. them sweet little ducklings sure are growing up fast.
    Seeing that beautiful area there by your sheds you need to set up a Backyard Horseshoe Court. Would be so much fine tossing horseshoes. Every farm place needs a horseshoe court. Me growing up on a farm we, didn't watch much TV but we did play a lot of outdoor games or I rode my horse which was most of the time.

    Yup, you most definitely gotta have that pitcher. Will go very well with our your white dinnerware.

    We just had a light shower about a hour ago. Didn't last long but it's still cloudy and temperature has dropped and wind has picked up so I'm bett'n we'll be getting more showers later in the evening. More rain in forecast for tomorrow and thunderstorms on Tuesday.
    Have an enjoyable evening

    1. They are aren't they? And still all seven, knock on wood!! Oooh, a horseshoe tossing court. Hmm, I like that. I'll definitely check that out (and I bet Tractor supply would have a nice supply of horseshoes!). Rain in the forecast here too. But then cool weather. Fingers crossed. Another vote for the pitcher!! I'll have to see about getting it soon before it's gone.

  6. It's Thanksgiving weekend up in Canada.Just loosened my belt after a lovely dinner with the kids and grandkids. I'm sure you appreciated getting away from it all, and returning to homemade margaritas, sweet!

    1. Well happy Thanksgiving to you!!! Loosened your belt, I love it. I just wear sweat pants, makes it so much easier, ha!!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  7. Replies
    1. Aren't they? God I just wanted to pick them all up. Alas, no can do, ha.

  8. i need a place to get away from it all. between the government and the weather, i'm starting to lose it!

    1. I hear ya. I can get away from the government and the news but the weather is just as hot and humid out there, ha.


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