
Sunday, October 28, 2018


It's been a long weekend, which I guess is good. Saturday was farm day solo as 2nd Man had to go in to work. More on Saturday's tasks in tomorrow's update but wanted to post something today and check in.  

Fresh bay leaves
2nd Man reminded me to grab some bay leaves for cooking because we were out.  So I snipped off some leaves and brought them back.

We washed them and left them in the window ledge to let them dry.

Bay leaves
Then we put them into an empty jar we have and they are ready to be used.  Harvesting your own stuff is so rewarding when it comes time to cook with it...even something as simple as bay leaves.

Speaking of bay, does anyone know which leaves are better to harvest?  I mean, I guess obviously the older leaves and not new young growth. My question is more along the lines of how far down the tree and how many can you safely take?  Do they grow back in the same spot or does this cause it get taller and more branches?  It's in a pot and grows slowly so I don't want to take too many leaves.  

Homemade meatloaf
Dinner today is meatloaf and mac and cheese.  Of course after a meal of meatloaf comes leftover meatloaf sandwiches...and that will be tomorrow's yummy meal.

We would be remiss if we didn't mention the horrific act of terror in Pittsburgh, PA.  It just horrifies us that people harbor such hatred and it only seems to be getting worse.  Our deepest sympathies to those families and indeed the residents of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania.  We are all indeed stronger when we are together and United.  We must get back to that and push the hatred back into the dark recesses it has been let out of.


  1. I never thought I'd say this, but that meatloaf looks delicious. When I was young, I always got sent to bed without supper on meatloaf night because I wouldn't eat it. My mother's love of an overabundance of onion, to which I'm sensitive, was the problem.


    1. I love a good meatloaf and 2nd Man makes a great one. This has some onion but not a lot. You'd probably like it! :-)

    2. Then you wouldn't have to send me to bed without any supper.

  2. I love meatloaf and your’s looks really delicious, especially with the bacon on top!
    Great idea to dry some bay leaves. My tree is finally big enough for me to harvest some. How long did it take for them to dry?
    Soooo heartbreaking about the Pittsburgh tragedy. LOVE, not hate!

    1. Doesn't bacon make everyone great? The bay leaves I left in the window for a couple of days. I read online that you don't have to leave them out for weeks. Just two or three days to make sure they don't have any moisture. The flavor is better this way.

      LOVE, NOT HATE. Amen.

  3. There are no words to express the sadness about the tragedy in Pittsburgh.
    The meatloaf looks so good, but I am a meatloaf lover and never objective about it.
    No Idea about harvesting bay but I wish I had one. I know they grow fairly well here so I have no clue why I have never planted one.

    1. So very heartbreaking. Isn't meatloaf good? A quintessentially American dish for sure. Bay grows well but VERY slowly.

  4. Thank you for your comments about hatred. It does need to be pushed back on and extinguished. Unfortunately hate mongers have been emboldened by the words of T. Vote blue this November!

  5. hmmmm...i think i will make a meatloaf, what a good idea! it is very sad around town. i spent most of my life in squirrel hill. my kids went to school there. i drove by this synagogue almost every day. so many of my friends went to this temple. we are all very proud of our jewish community here and we embrace it. it is a big part of who we are. squirrel hill is the heart of this city and we just had a heart attack.

    1. We're so very sorry. I can't even imagine how that must feel. Be strong...hang in there!


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