
Saturday, October 20, 2018


Today we are getting out and doing something fun and different, something we haven't been to in a long time.  Today, as this posts, we will be at the Wings Over Houston Air Show.  It's an annual air show.  They have planes on display to walk around and get inside of.  Of course they have all sorts of flying planes and aerobatics and war reenactments.  Oh and this year they are going to have the Blue Angels for the first time in a few years so that will be fun. 

We splurged and got the super duper tickets.  We have reserved seats, breakfast lunch and afternoon snacks, private entrance, up front parking, our own bathrooms, open bar with free drinks of all types, and we each get a cap, program and poster.

It will be an all day event, fingers crossed for good weather because if it rains we don't get a refund.  

Pics in a future update.  Tomorrow should be the farm but we'll see how tired we are and how the weather is.  We are supposed to have a lot of rain early next week and it could start Sunday.


  1. Wow, sounds like a really great day! Have fun!

  2. I enjoy airshows a lot! Even went to one in England when we were stationed with the USAF years ago. Hillsboro has a great air show too but not gone for a few years. Hope you enjoyed your day. I'm making applesauce that I didn't make last weekend.

  3. Mary and I went to the local air show in the summer. I loved it

  4. You went all out for this. Hey, if it rained, I would at least want the food and private bathrooms!

  5. It sounds like the most wonderful treat day.

  6. Sounds like a fun and enjoyable day. Great way to do something different together on a Saturday besides going to the farm.
    the Blue Angels are Amazing. Seen them perform when we lived in Okla. City.

    Can't wait to see some of them amazing pictures that you took


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