
Friday, December 7, 2018


OK, now here's OUR kind of sign, ha!

Mmm, bacon...

Hope you are having a great Friday.
We have rain.  We need bacon.  


  1. LOVE this! :) Everything is better with bacon!
    This rainy weather makes me want to make a big pot of soup - and of course, it will have bacon!

    1. Amen to that!! Soup is always good on rainy cold days. And some crumbled bacon on top will be nice! Enjoy!

  2. baconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbacon!

  3. High Five on the cute sign.
    (reminder to self; put bacon on grocery list as I plan on bacon weave meatloaf for next week)

    1. OOOH I've always wanted to try a bacon weave. Sounds wonderful.

  4. On the flip side of that coin...
    True story: We have bacon, bacon, & more bacon but what we really need is SNOW or RAIN. After 2 years of drought, if we don't get some precipitation our area is going to be in trouble next year.
    Our kids are coming home for the holidays for the first time since 2015, it would be so wonderful to be able to go snowmobiling and have fun in our beautiful piece of country heaven.
    Oh please God, Mother Nature, & Santa, send us 2 feet of snow before Christmas!

    1. Yay for the bacon but sorry about the lack of water. I will do a rain/snow dance for you. Let's throw it out into the Universe! SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!

  5. I once heard bacon described as "man candy"! Lol, I think that is a fitting description.


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