
Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Over the last few weeks, I have found some great "Day of the Dead" items on clearance and you all know how I like a deal!

After every holiday I always try to find items when they are at steep discounts, (usually when 50%, 75% or more off).  I add them to our storage boxes of holiday decoration items.

Day of the Dead platters
These platters are awesome.  They are big, in fact the large one is so big it won't fit in the large storage bin we have. Bright bold colors, we love them. 

Day of the Dead vase
Found this glass vase for a dollar.
A place for flowers next year!

Dia de los Muertas wall art
These wall plaques are really neat.  They are made of wood and so colorful.

Wilton Sugar Skull cake pan
And of course I had to find something for 2nd Man.  This is a Wilton skull cake pan just for Day of the Dead.  Can you say Sugar Skull cakes next year?

Wait a second, does that mean this was for HIM or for ME?  Would that be a win win?


  1. Jackpot! You really got some good buys there Mr. Thrifty.
    Are those platters metal? If so, that large one or both you could put those sticky tabs on the back and hang on the wall. Sticky tabs on the order of these;

    A person can get really creative when it comes to decorating a skull cake. Have fun and anxious to see one of them finished cakes.

    1. They platters are plastic, like a melamine type stuff. And you know, you are so right, we can't wait until next year to have a skull cake. I'm thinking we need to have a "test run" or two. Or three. ;-)

  2. I would say the skull pan is definitely a win/win.
    I bought cheap plastic skulls after halloween and plan on spray painting them stark white then painting them like day of the dead skulls. Not a lot of DOTD decorations to be found here in Alabama.

    1. Hey, that's a great idea with the plain skulls and creating our own. Yeah, it's such a neat tradition and we're lucky that Houston, indeed most of Texas, has influence from the Hispanic culture. The skull pan was only $1.50! I would have bought two or three just to be able to bake more than one at a time but they only had this one. We can order them online if we're so inclined, ha.

  3. I have Day of the Dead envy. Nice finds.

    1. Hello and welcome! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the kind words. I just added your blog to our side roll too. Thanks!!

  4. You got some great items – and so colorful. The cake pan will be fun/fun – to bake and decorate and then to eat!

    1. 2nd Man said I'll probably have to do the decorating. I think we'll have to have a dry run a few times, ha.


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