
Monday, December 31, 2018


New Year's Eve 2018...

The waning hours of the year are upon us.

Anyone have a New Year's Eve tradition?  

 Our tradition is simple; we stay in, eat steaks and potatoes, pop open a bottle of something bubbly and watch the countdowns on TV.  We do NOT go out.  We just think it's too dangerous to drive especially in a huge city like Houston and that nothing good ever happens on the roads at 1am.

Plus the older we get, the less we like being in large crowds.  Is that wrong?


  1. Happy New Year! No reason to stay up to see new year in. It will happen anyway. This is the last night NH family is with us so they will join in the New Year party here at Vantage House and then head to bed before 9. They have a long drive home tomorrow.

    1. LOL, I like how you think. The year comes regardless doesn't it? I hope everyone made it home safely and you got some much deserved rest.

  2. we stay in also; you can't get killed by a drunk if you remain at home. we have plenty of food and snacks and booze. HNY to you and 2nd man & hobart!

    1. Amen!!! Thank you so much and hope you and yours had a wonderful filling (and boozy, ha) evening!!

  3. Agree with you on staying in and watching the celebrations on tv. It's hit or miss, but I have for 30 or so years made potato salad and sweet and sour meatballs in the crockpot either for dinner or an evening snack ... the easy ones with cranberry jelly and chili sauce (Heinz I think) dumped over prepared meatballs in the slow cooker .. so easy ... and good .. I was going to do them again today but was (oh so easily) convinced we should go out for pizza instead!!
    Best of new years to you both from our house to yours. B & C

    1. Hey there!!! Nice to hear from you. I have had those meatballs but I have never made them. Sounds easy. I'll have to look up a recipe. We buy some great frozen meatballs at a local store here. Sounds yummy. Of course, you can't go wrong with PIZZA either, ha. Thank you so much and same to you both!

  4. A very, very Happy New Year to you and yours.
    The New Year has arrived here, and did so without any help from me. She knows the way, and cannot be held back by closed doors.

    1. Always there first! I like that, she knows the way and she won't be held back.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you SO much John, I wish you a wonderful great 2019 and that 2018 is but a distant memory. XOXO

  6. Bought NEW Red Flannel sheets, a couple of Audio Books, making Pork & Noodles for dinner & staying IN in comfort!! It's supposed to be 0 after sundown tonight.The neighbors always put on a HUGE fireworks display at midnight - if I want to stay up. I have Mango juice & Vodka if I feel the need. Happy New Year - may you have health, friends & comfort in the coming year.

    1. Oh how I love flannel sheets in cold weather. Of course I've never been in ZERO degrees (at least not that I remember, maybe when I was a child, ha). Mango and vodka. Hmm, sounds good to me! Thank you so much and same to you for 2019!

  7. I have been so busy of late, I would be remiss if I didn't get around to wish you boys a Happy New Year!!!

    I myself have three close friends in tonight for champagne and a selections of small plates and hor dourvers..very laid back and then they can sleep anywhere they want. Usually some games, music, watch the balls drop and see the fireworks from the neighboring park. Usually a nice evening. Tomorrow Ne Years dinner ad watch the Mummers.

    1. Hello Mistress!! Thank you so much for the wishes. I like your evening, sounds like fun and I bet the conversation was wild and wonderful! Hugs from us to you!

  8. Happy New Year to you and 2nd Man!

  9. Very smart to stay in! Happy New Year to you both, and best wishes for the coming year.

    1. It's easier. Cheaper. And safer, ha. Best to you this new year!

  10. Happy New Year! Maybe your resolution next year is to celebrate at the farm? Bring your fireworks (or earplugs). 🎉🍾

    1. That's a possibility, we're thinking of some renovations this year. Stay tuned, ha. Thanks and happiest of New Year to you too.

  11. Hubby working so quiet evening for me at home but then we don't go out on New Years Eve anyway. Early to bed for me but will get up early to watch the Rose Bowl Parade and football the rest of the day.
    It's going to be cold so made a Big pot of chili. Some chili I will put back to make oven chili - cheese dogs later in the week.
    Wishing you both a Very Happy & Healthy New Years and do drink a glass of wine for me. :) Root Beer for me tonight being I will be here by myself.
    Enjoy your evening.
    (gosh, can't believe some are already shooting off fireworks here) They must have started to party / celebrating early today.

    1. Rose Bowl is so pretty isn't it? I would love to someday see that in person. It was cold here and supposed to be VERY rainy tomorrow. I t think snow for you though? Stay warm and safe. Do you know I haven't had a root beer in ages. Not sure why. Now I'm craving one, ha.

  12. happy new year! i've never liked going out on NYE. i'll be in bed in like 5 minutes and this is late for me!

    1. Thank you! Same to you! and hope you feel better. You earn your rest, enjoy it!

  13. Have a bottle of Prosecco in the fridge should we still be awake at midnight. It's been there for 4 years.

    1. I hope you made it up, ha. Happy new year to you and if you didn't make it to Prosecco, it'll be there next year, ha. And hey, next year is 2020. Holy cow!

  14. Like y’all, I don’t like to get out on this night.
    Wishing both of you a Very Happy New Year filled with love, peace, health, and prosperity!

    1. Thank you so much. Hope it's good in many ways for all of us!!!

  15. Stayed home too. Was tired as I had to get up early to be at work earlier than normal but shorter day. Ate food. Went to bed after all the fireworks stopped in our neighborhood.Hope you have a safe and healthy new year!

    1. Thank you very much. They start the fireworks here too, ugh. We have been at the farm a few years ago on NYE and we even heard them out there, ha.


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