
Tuesday, April 16, 2019


The images were so difficult to see and even more difficult to wrap our heads around...

Image via Wikicommons
Arguably the most iconic church in the world on fire...

Image via Wikicommons
Such a tragedy...

Image via Wikicommons
It is still unknown how extensive the interior damage will be from both fire and smoke and the hundreds of thousands of gallons of water poured on it...

Image via Wikicommons
Or those iconic and incredibly beautiful stained glass windows throughout the building...

Image via Wikicommons
And of course the gargoyles that have stood watch over the church and Paris for hundreds of years...

I heard a woman on the news being interviewed, she said she was not a religious person by any means, but the first time she ever went inside to see Notre Dame, she was moved to tears at the beauty and magnificence of the building.  Indeed she started crying when recounting watching it burn.  She said it felt like the world lost a piece of its soul.

A sad day indeed...


  1. Just devastating but thankfully to same brave souls they where able to rescue some of the hold relics.

    They say that it could take 5-10 years to rebuild.

  2. They say the stained glass and the pipe organ are still intact though they may need some repair. Money is already pouring in for the restoration.

  3. So very heartbreaking to see such tragic damage. But so glad that through the bravery and heroism of the French firefighters, their chaplain, and other citizens, who risked life and safety, many historic artifacts were saved.

  4. you cannot keep a wonderful monument down! thank you for sharing the interior pix.

  5. So sad. I feel very lucky to have seen it several times in all its ancient glory. They'll rebuild it and it will be wonderful again …. but it will never be quite the same.


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