
Friday, April 12, 2019


Isn't this the truth?  Sigh.

If we wanted to grow weeds on purpose, we'd be doing well.  They just appear from everywhere don't they?  And they thrive without water with too much water in bad soil in good soil.  I guess they have adapted to survive over hundreds of years.  

Today is Friday.  We have an iffy forecast for tomorrow.  Possible heavy rain but they say it may be scattered.  So heavy downpours, but maybe not anywhere on our side of town?  Who knows.

We'll see. 


  1. Oh, how true.
    Dandelions do add color in the yard and everywhere but I could do without them but then the bees and butterflies enjoy them

  2. we are dryer than dry here and all sorts of stuff looks dead already. the weeds? they are as healthy as can be!

  3. If only flowers could learn the survival tricks of weeds! But I must say, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for dandelions - they are such happy looking flowers.
    We've had some little rain showers tonight; it's looking like more tomorrow. I planted some more flowers in the front flowerbeds, so they and the garden could use some rain.

  4. Truth! I pulled a small blooming dandelion out of the grout between bricks on our front steps. Yep, the ones that get used and swept daily!

  5. Our yard is 50% weeds. We've decided to embrace it. (Plus, the bees!)

  6. Dandelions are edible--and the bees need them in the early days of spring when nothing else is blooming. They are related to sunflowers.

  7. Please don't spray the weeds,they're the first feed for the bees in the Spring,and the spray will kill them!

  8. Lol, how did I miss this... that's so true! I actually love dandelions, the bright yellow is beautiful and they are full of healthy nutrients, that's why the animals from bunnies to cows gobble them up.


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