
Thursday, June 20, 2019


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

We're always looking for color palette ideas for future flowerbeds.  Combinations that catch our eye and make us go "something like that would be perfect next to...whatever".  That's what happened when we saw this.  Not a lot of flowers, more green than anything else, but the pops of color and texture and heights are just beautifully simple.  Not sure what all the plants and flowers are but it's very pretty.

Be inspired!


  1. My mom always grew Allium flowers;(the tall purple flowers) They where always so pretty growing up along side of their house along with Hollyhocks and Black eyed Susans

  2. Bright Lights Swiss Chard is beautiful and very tasty

  3. I posted on my blog yesterday a picture of some of my allium. I planted 3 bulbs over 30 years ago and now I think I counted over 50 around the yard.

  4. I love green and purple together. I agree about the "pop."

  5. They're really pretty. I'm a fan of purple too. My world is beautifully green at the moment with pops of purple from the lilac tree! :)

  6. Love those pops of purple with the various shades of green. Very pretty!

  7. It appears there is sedum in the front. That will be colorful when the allium fades. I don't like purple flowers, but I love the allium in my yard.

  8. I'm looking at a small screen right now, but those tall globes look like Globe Allium - a member of the onion family. They are an incredibly wonderful combo with other purple plants especially when combined with yellow like black eyed susans. I love throwing a few chive plants in around the tall ornamental Allium because the chive flowers mimic the Allium on a smaller scale. Allium make great dried flowers too. Look up Allium online, there are many varieties. One of my favorites looks like fireworks. They are quite deer and rabbit resistant.

    And the plant in the front right looks like it may be peony ready to bloom? Again small screen....


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