
Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Recently, we've taken to roasting two chickens at the same time.  We figure if the oven is already being heated up for one chicken, why not make two at the same time and double the amount we can use?

 This was last weekend, 2nd Man roasted a couple of chickens, olive oil, salt and pepper.

For the first meal we just took one chicken, cut it in half and served with mashed potatoes and peas.

The next day, 2nd man took the second chicken, stripped the meat off the bones and made a quick dish of arroz con pollo (Spanish for rice with chicken).  It's rice, seasonings, tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste, etc.  With the chicken already cooked, there is no need to wait for it to be done.

 So good!  I'll get the recipe for it the next time he makes it.  Anyway, w e were saying that the next time we do this, we just might roast four chickens at the same time.  Again, it will fit in the oven, it's already being heated up anyway, and we can strip the meat and package in vacuum sealed freezer bags for future recipes that call from something like "the meat from a rotisserie chicken".

Anyone else "pre-cook" chicken for later use?


  1. Great idea to cook two chickens at one time. It makes it convenient when you’re tired and want to put a meal together quickly. It is especially smart in the summer time when you don’t want anything to heat up the house.
    2nd Man’s Arroz con Pollo looks so delicious. Looking forward to the recipe.

  2. I think bulk cooking is just the way to go, especially since night times can get hectic and anything to lessen chaos is a good thing.

  3. I do. It is so handy having chicken cooked for sandwiches, too.

  4. I just recently put two turkey breasts in the same oven. What are the chickens lying on and why and where did you get them?

    1. They look like the red silicone chicken supports that you would use when roasting chicken.
      Easily found on Amazon.

      Not for certain; but Bed, Bath & Beyond may have them as well or speciality kitchen stores may also carry them.

  5. That chicken sure does look delicious.
    Preparing cornish hens are small & can prepare several at one time

  6. Good way to save some energy. Every bit helps. I haven't roasted a chicken in a long time because they're so inexpensive at Costco. I do love roast chicken and it's great to have the extra meat. I quite often mix chicken with yummy rice or put it in a pasta salad.


  7. Love the idea of prepping more than a few meals worth at a time. I grew up with years of just my mom, brother and I and Mom worked. I did almost all the cooking starting at 8 yrs old, and we always planned for leftovers.

    My hubby was one of 5 kids in a military family, so leftovers were unheard of. When we met, he was convinced they were dangerous. LOL Within a relatively short period of living together he learned that A.) most leftovers (stews, soups, sauces, chili etc.) taste better the 2nd and 3rd days, and B.) I wasn't going to give up leftovers because of him. He got tired of eating sandwiches and canned soup while I enjoyed my yummy homemade dinner.

    We raise our own meat birds in the spring - gave up on laying hens last year when something broke into our hen house. Our meat birds get so crazy big - like 12-16lbs in 8 weeks - that we couldn't fit two in our oven!


  8. What a good idea! Also, when you make broth from the bones, it should be twice as rich.


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