
Saturday, January 4, 2020


This is a picture from this Summer that we forgot to post when I took it.  It's a different view than we usually post. 

This is where we turn in to drive down the driveway.  Now this part of the driveway belongs to 2nd Family.   It's their gate and fence (we have keys to the lock of course).  This is at the road...if you look as far down as you can see the driveway path in this photo, that's about where their house is...then the driveway continues onto our property longer than this length all the way to our house which is at the back of the property.  

This is why when we do something with the house we'll need to have a new driveway created for trucks to use.  That would be to the left of this photo on the other side of those trees.  We're going to have to start thinking about that this year.  

Anyway, today is off to the farm to check on things, water the plants on the porch and that's about it.  This time of year we get a break in the work. 

Spring will be here before we know it!



  1. Nice view from the road.
    It was a beautiful day to visit the Farm - sunny and warm. I enjoyed being out in my garden. It’s going to be even nicer tomorrow.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Wonderful view.
    Enjoy the nice weather when you can as come next week have chance of rain / thunderstorms come Thursday with temperatures dropping.
    Was such a beautiful day here yesterday and more of the same today.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening.

  3. IF there were a fire,I don't think the firetruck could get in the gate.. There's measurements somewhere,how wide,how tall the "header" needs to be,etc
    I do love the view


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