
Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Where are our flying cars?
I guess we do have self driving Teslas.

Where are our robots?
I guess we do have Roomba vacuums.

Where are our space hotels?
I guess we do have Virgin Galactic and SpaceX.

It's certainly not the 2020 we imagined it would be when we were both little.  I mean 2020 seemed like the most distant far into the future moment that it was like a science fiction movie.

Yet here we are...

Hope you have a great New Year and here's to the future and whatever it has in store!


  1. " Hope you have a great New Year and here's to the future and whatever it has in store!"
    Same to the both of you.

    Me; busy today working on wood projects, etc. Was so busy this morning that forgot all about the Rose Bowl Parade being on.

    Our son-in-law gave us his mom's old organ ( it no longer worked )of which he was just going to throw it out, so of course I took it off his hands. Between me & hubby we took it all apart and will repurpose all the pieces that we can;the wood, the organ keys, the pedals, etc. and all will be used for upcoming projects.

    All the metal parts from the organ we will give to a friend for him to take to a recycling place for them to recycle and he gets some money in return. He gets so much a pound for any metal that he brings in, so basically, nothing will be going to the land fill.
    Win, Win situation.
    Enjoy your day.

  2. I am excited about the coming growing season. I have yet to plant my daffodils and purple tulips. They come up together at the same time and look spectacular. Last year I planted them in the ground, mingled. This year, I will plant them in pots all mingled together. Since I planted them in January last time, I know they will bloom on time planted next week.

  3. hope you guys and hobart had a quiet NYE.

    enjoying some classical music and knitting and naps today. back to the reality of work tomorrow (dammit).


    Hope you had a wonderful night!

  5. Wishing you both all the best in 2020! May it be filled with happiness, health, love, peace, and joy!
    I had the traditional black-eyed peas, greens (fresh from the garden cabbage), and cornbread. Didn’t feel like ham, so had some BACON – yum!

  6. And to both of you. This year, and all the years to come.

  7. Happy New Year to you! Wishing you health, wealth, happiness and love in 2020!

  8. Belated good wishes for 2020 to you both! May you complete your building plans for the farm this year! Roderick


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