
Friday, January 24, 2020


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  

I've found several cool items over the last couple of years.  Here is one of the latest!

I've been saving up to post about the recent items and here is one of them.  A large dry erase board!

And by large, it's large...3' x 4'.

And as if free didn't seal the deal, well the frame around it is a whitewashed/distressed farmhouse-y kind of look.  2nd Man couldn't believe our luck.  

It doesn't look like it's ever even been used and on the back is still the original little bag stapled on that has the hanging hooks that were never put on.  If it was used, it must have been on an easel or some similar way of standing it up.

For now we have put it in the barn at the farm.  It will eventually be in the house, whatever kind of house we end up with out there.  We can imagine all sorts of uses for a dry erase board in the house.

Sure in this day and age of smart phone apps, tablets and digital assistants, actual WRITING on something is rare but hey, we're old school like that, ha!


  1. Love a repurposed project! Sharing your blog on the weekend edit at Everyday Edits. Would love a visit! laura in Colorado

  2. Awesome! Cheap is good; but Free is always better.
    The one that I have isn't quite as large but it's still pretty good size. What I had done to mine was put cork board on one side knowing I wouldn't use the whole memory board to now I have 1/2 memory board and 1/2 cork board to pin thing up on. Another thing you could do is secure a magnetic board on a section of your memory board or get some black chalk paint and paint over your memory board and use chalk instead of using markers.

  3. Those are expensive. And, it does look like it was barely used, if at all. If you ever need to replace the white board or want a new white board, Lowe's sell shower board that works the same and is cheaper. You can cut it to the size you want and even refurbish the one you have. Framing smaller pieces with used or cheap frames.

  4. Wow, you are the best at great finds! It’s wonderful that you’re reusing something that would have just gone to a landfill.


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