
Monday, January 13, 2020


Friday night we had some very severe weather blow through.  Most of the worst parts stayed to the North and East of us but it was pretty scary for a bit.  There were a few tornado warnings on and off for a couple of hours, a lot of lightning and wind and about an inch of rain at the farm.

 But as with all bad weather, it cleared up on Saturday and turned into a beautiful weekend.

There are weeds creeping back into the raised beds in the garden.  The weather has been so mild this Winter things are happening earlier than normal.

However, the moderately heavy freeze we had a few weeks back seems to have take a toll on the citrus. This is the lime tree.  Branches still have green and they are flexible and not crispy brown so hopefully that's a good sign.

This is the lemon tree, again, all leaves gone and some branches that look questionable but again, when I scratch them, they are still green inside and flexible.

And lastly this is the orange tree.  Even though it's entirely without leaves, it looks the best believe it or not.  Branches are all still green.  

We're hoping for the best, that in the Spring they'll leaf out and green up and we'll have another year of growth before worrying about freezing again.  Of course we know it's only mid January, we may have another freeze so we've purchased some items to prepare them for it just in case.  More on that in an upcoming post.

We mentioned the weather was unusually warm and sure enough, the yard is greening up in some spots.  Can't let our guard down though, it could flip to Winter in a matter of hours this time of year.

Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. Scary weather indeed. We where right on the edge of the worse that went through our area.
    Now at the Home Depot where hubby works the sirens where going off and they had to take cover to the back or the store in the break room but it all passed over rather quickly so was glad he had a short day at work to see him home again.

    As long as your branches are still green & flexible, they should be fine and will start budding out before you know it.

  2. storm Brfendan is bashing us as I write this!

  3. We got the storms Saturday, followed by sun Sunday. Now it is cloudy again but no high winds or lightning.
    My back yard is really greening and the front has signs of new growth all through it.

  4. We got the tail end of that storm - some lightning and thunder, wind, and rain but not like you had. I was happy with the inch of rain and my garden was too.

    If your citrus trees still have green in their branches, they should survive.

  5. My lemon trees survived the cold and I took no precautions this year. Only the new shoots died. I just snipped them off and everything is hunky dory. I'm going to move them closer to the courtyard fence that is adjacent to the carport. They did very well for their first year out on their own.

  6. We have had some spectacular days between the two storms that came through. I loved the blue skies last Thursday and again Sunday. I think I would have to have little shelters built for citrus fruit.


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