
Friday, August 14, 2020


On Friday in the past we have done a "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world, ha...we haven't done one of those in a while but this week we'll expand to another random fun question that came up.

This week, the burning question is:

Last Friday, friend of the farm blog Leilani had a great idea for one and here it is.

I think no matter where you live, you have encountered these little bugs.  Usually under a rock in the yard or maybe a clay pot you pick up or even some old bricks in the ground.  Seems like they love those damp shady conditions.  These bugs always reminded me of a prehistoric creature and of course the best part (when you're a kid, ha), is that they roll up into a ball! 

2nd Man grew up calling them doodlebugs.  I grew up calling them a roly poly.  I heard a few people say pillbugs as well.  Not sure if there is a regional difference on this or if it's just what you hear first.

I would have them crawling all over my hand.  For some reason they didn't freak me out like other bugs.

So what do you call this little bug?  Doodlebug?  Roly Poly?  Pill bug?  Something else?


  1. My granddaughter calls them roly polies.
    Me; I can them a pain in the 'you know what'; Nuisance. Honestly; I ate them little buggers.

    1. If you ate them ... what did they taste like, Colleen? Guess that's one way to get rid of them! LOL
      I don't know that I ever called them anything ... I know I saw them in N. Illinois where I grew up but can't recall what we called them.

    2. Sorry, Not Ate but it should had read Hate them buggers.( think I need to clean my keyboard as some of letters are beginning to stick.

  2. Definitely a roly poly, but my cousins from the south called them pill bugs. So, I guess I knew them as both. Never heard them called doodle bugs. Great question to ponder!

  3. We always called them rollie pollies.yuk! 😊

  4. We always called them 'potato bugs'.

    1. same!

      everyone I knew called them that growing up in southern Ontario

  5. Where I live in Scotland we would call this a wood louse and they do a good job processing compost heaps.

  6. "sally bugs" in southern California. My parents were from Utah.

  7. In England we call them wood lice or roly beetles.
    Kathy now in Wales

  8. i call them creepy and i'm glad i've never seen one.

  9. We called them grey bugs and put them in a metal can or pie pan and rolled them around. Country kids make their own entertainment. Poor litte grey bugs.

  10. jaz,
    You have seen them! They are very tiny, less than 1/2 inch long and make little balls of themselves about the size of a bb.

  11. roly poly here in AL, MS, and TN, at least.

  12. Pill bug
    Doodlebug is the one that digs funnels in loose,dry soil. AKA Antlion larva..

  13. Also scorpions eat them (Pillbugs) and they are not an insect,they are crustaceans.. Yep,for real,check it out

  14. We call them pillbugs up in Massachusetts.

  15. In Canada, we call them potato bugs.

  16. We called those "pill bugs". My children called them "roly poly" While I was planting around a tree I unearthed a "potato Bug" it scared me half to death, ugly, I would not go back there for over a week. Traumatized me scared Sheesh. Potato bugs are Jerusalem Crickets, yuck!! Would rather play with a Roly Poly.

  17. Pill bugs, but also sow bugs or wood lice.

  18. I call this little bug "grosse" lol...I'm such a country gal but bugs give me the heebie jeebies!!! :) I think we used to call them water bugs when I was a kid.

  19. Apparently no one on here is from the Pacific NW ... in Washington (state) they were called saw bugs... which some people mispronounce as sour bugs.

  20. Danny/ here in Utah we call them Roly Poly

  21. I'm from southeast Texas and we call them "doodlebugs." I loved them so much when I was a kid. I'd get like three at a time walking on my hands and arms. Which is weird because I'm a girly-girl when it comes to all other bugs.


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