
Friday, April 16, 2021


 After the weekend of bad news we recently had, we did get some great news that we wanted to share!

As many of you read a few months back, 2nd Family is getting divorced.  We hate that but we understand that life happens sometimes.  As sad as we were, we've also been wondering what would happen with their property as they hadn't really decided on what they were going to do or where to go.  We were really thinking that it would be sold and that would make us have to change some of our immediate plans.  Originally "J" and their daughter were going to move out of town and "R" was considering selling the property.

Well, we found out that she and her daughter are going to stay at their property!  They are going to tear down/move their old house and get something new (kind of like what we are considering) and he will live just down the road on a property that borders the back of ours (his family).  So nothing will really change!  We still get them living nearby (no strangers we have to worry about) and we can continue sharing the well and driveway until such time that we get our own done.  That can now move to the "need to do eventually" list instead of the "oh crap we need to do it now" list, ha!

He was thrilled because he said he gets to have his family nearby and can help with issues if anything comes up.  He had been worried about both of them moving out of town to an unfamiliar place.  Their daughter (she's almost 22) is excited and is going to start working on building a large garden and wants to learn about and grow medicinal herbs.  "J" also wants to plant an orchard of fruit trees like we have.

At some point in the future, we might have more food than we can use.  Nothing wrong with that!

Since he will have full access to the property that is behind us (about 100 acres), we've even discussed a gate on the fence for future use of the land with ATV's.  With all of us out there, we're going to stay a "blended family" and all three of them will still be a part of our lives...just as they have been for the last 20+ years...

...and that makes us happy!


  1. That is Wonderful news, not about their divorce, but that you all will continue to be neighbors still. Good to hear that 2nd family will be staying around close by.

    Has been pouring down rain here since yesterday afternoon. No hard down pour but nice gently rain. Thus far we have received over 2 inches and it's still raining and a bit chilly. Having an extra blanket on the bed last night felt pretty darn good. So nice and cozy that I didn't want to get out of bed this morning.
    There was a 96 % of showers today of which we are receiving but it is to let up sometime later today and then turn nice for the weekend but still won't be able to work outside as wet as it is.

    Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you, yes, we will all stay neighbors which is great peace of mind. It's been yucky misty rainy (light) today. Supposed to get into 50's and maybe dip into upper 40's this weekend at night. have a great weekend too!!!

  2. That's great news as "new neighbors" is always a crap shoot.

    1. Ain't that the truth. And in a rural area we're never sure what might be moving in too.

  3. It is so nice that they can separate civilly! The bonus is that it affects you positively!

    1. That's a wonderful way of putting it. They seem very happy and they are happy to still have us around and we are likewise. I think in the end, we'll have our own little compound out there, ha..

  4. Wow, has it been 20 years since you bought that property? Sounds like an amicable divorce!

    1. Oh no, I guess that was kind of confusing. I'll edit that to make it clearer, ha. 2nd Man and I have been together for 21 years and we used to go out there when the house was owned by someone else. So they've known us all that time (I've actually known them almost 30 years).

      Yep, pretty amicable, he is very happy they are going to be close by.

  5. that is just terrific and a big relief!

  6. What a wonderful,happy ending. I'm so glad the families are staying close. You are truly blessed.

    1. Thank you so much, yep, it all seems to have worked out well, I mean, as well as these things can of course, ha.

  7. Yes, things do change. And before they change again, you should look up in your abstract to see who drilled the well originally. Who does it legally belong to? If it belongs to the other property, and something changes, you could be without water. Investigate this soon so you aren/t left without water some day.

    1. Thank you so much for the comment. Yes, it belongs to them for sure, when we closed we had to get a signed well sharing agreement with them. We know that we'll have to get our own well at some point. Since we aren't out there full time, we only use water for watering the garden and a few small things inside, it was one of those things we figured we'd wait until we rebuilt the house. Already have the spot picked out and some ideas for pump houses. ;-). This just eases up the urgency of doing it.

  8. I am so happy that things worked out well for everyone. It’s wonderful that you won’t have to worry about getting new, possibly disagreeable, neighbors and that your nice neighbors are staying. Now you and 2nd Man can progress with your house plans without being concerned about immediately putting in a new road and well.

    1. Exactly!!! We still have to work out the financing for something new but we're back in the planning stages.

  9. Good Deal! We are a "blended family" with our next door neighbors because we used to own their house too. We have a lot of shared areas and shared services so I know how you feel

    1. Awww, thanks, you understand! Yep, we've known them for so long (I've known them for about 10 years more than 2nd Man) and so they are just like family, that's why we call them 2nd Family. they are like a second family to both of us. We share many things and in time, we hope to share even more of the property, like when we get a pond in, they are welcome to fish it. And they are going to build a chicken coop and we can gather eggs whenever we need them. It'll be nice. And this outcome makes us happy.

  10. THAT IS FABULOUS! it's nice when families can all get along, even if not under the same roof.

    1. Yes, that's about the best outcome you can have in an unfortunate situation like this. And who knows maybe in a few years they'll find their way back to each other, hey it can't hurt to hope.

  11. That's the best possible outcome in a situation like this isn't it? I'm very happy for everyone involved.

    1. Yes, it has worked out the best way possible.

  12. It's good that they feel they can live near each other. I wouldn't even want to be in the same part of the country as X. Congratulations on keeping them as neighbors.


    1. Ha, so true, we understand that can happen. Yes, having them as our hopefully "forever neighbors" will work out great.


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