
Monday, April 19, 2021


It was a weird weekend of weather.  A late season cool front came through and it ended up being rainy and cold all weekend.  Sunday was a little better but still cooler than normal for this time of year.

When I got to the farm it was sprinkling and about 52 degrees.  The wind was blowing and made it feel like upper 40's.  I didn't think it would be that cold (yeah I should have checked the weather app) and so I dressed in shorts and t-shirt.  Thankfully we have some warm clothes in the closet at the farm and I was able to change into a nice flannel shirt.  Shorts and long sleeve flannel was a great combination, I'm one of those that has to sleep with one leg under the covers and one out.

When I arrived I found that "R" from 2nd Family had fixed our water pipe!  I was supposed to be there to help and learn but he knew the rain was coming and wanted to make sure it was fixed for us...because he's kind of awesome like that.  And speaking of...

...he saw our hose that runs under the house from the faucet on the front side to the back so I can water the fruit trees and new bushes.  I crawled under there a few years ago to do that.  When he realized that, he put a faucet on the back of the house for us!

See?  Awesome.  

Even though it was sprinkling, with the water back on I gave everything a good, deep, soaking.  While watering I noticed the blueberries are all starting to form.  I guess they like their new homes.  I should get the Nanking cherry bushes in their spots either this weekend or the next.

The garden is growing well, thankfully.  Here are a couple of new developments...

The pickling cucumbers are big enough that their tendrils are now doing what they do best and have started wrapping around the trellis.

And what have we here?  An actual TOMATO!  Dang things happen fast in the garden this time of year.

And finally, 2nd Family brought us a dozen more eggs.  They said their chickens (and ducks) are laying like crazy.  The two large eggs above are duck eggs.  I've heard a rumor that there might be some duck egg pasta in my future...

Hope you had a good weekend!


  1. Everything looks Awesome.
    According to our weather here; we are to have a temperature drop & can expect a freeze. This weather is crazy; a freeze the end of April in Texas........Unbelievable. :{ Just when things are growing good. I'm hoping it isn't a hard freeze but yet even a slight frost can do some damage.

    1. No freeze for us, thankfully, just heading back to normal temps. Things have been CRAZY this year. Hope you don't get the frost. Hang in there!

    2. strong North winds today and this afternoon the temperature will start dropping and by morning we are to be in the 30's. :{ Guess I will be moving some plants inside later today.
      Don't know if this cold front is moving your direction or not. Seen on the news that Nebraska was receiving snow.

  2. How nice of R to help out! We had rain most of the weekend. The sun is shining now but it's not very warm.


    1. He was great to help out with that. Seems rain was everywhere this weekend. Yep, we had sun all day but we did get warm.

  3. everyone should be so lucky to have a 2nd family! we might get snow this week!

    1. We are blessed for sure. SNOW?!??! IS that normal for you guys? Wow. Stay warm!!

  4. cannot plant veggies here until after 5/15. still too cold at night.

    1. 5/15? Dang, but at least you have a longer Summer to grow. We get too hot by about July. Well stay warm!!

  5. What a great guy R is! He saw that you could use another faucet and he did it for you. I am so glad that everything worked out so that he can still live nearby.
    It was a good thing that you had a warm shirt at the Farm - it was cold!
    Yay! Baby blueberries! And baby tomatoes! Your green thumb is shining!
    Mmm, homemade pasta from those big duck eggs. 2nd Man is so talented.

    1. Yep that's one thing we were so worried about them moving. I think it will be fun to keep them as extended family. I feel we'll have fun times ahead. Yes, we've got a whole set of extra clothes there of course, and keep the warm stuff there too. Just in case. Once we have a real house out there, we'll be keeping it fully stocked so to speak, cause we'll have a washer and dryer finally ha. I'll see if I can get some pics of the pasta. Thank you!

  6. Tommy had to pay $180 for a new faucet on an existing pipe. I think we were had! It is great you have a friend in R. Those eggs look delicious.

    1. We're gonna pay him of course, he always says we don't have to but we insist on something. But yeah we DO get a good deal. Can't wait to use the eggs. And we'll probably get more this weekend, ha.


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