
Saturday, September 3, 2022


No farm today.  And probably not all weekend...

Current radar.

It's already rained at the farm on and off overnight and this morning and all of this is moving up this direction...

...and this is the forecast for today, tomorrow and Monday.  Maybe this is nature's way of telling us to stay home and relax.  Of course, all I can think about is how tall the grass is going to be in another week, but still, we are grateful for the rain.

So today, 2nd Man is making a pound cake and I've already made broccoli salad (so it could sit overnight in the fridge) and later we'll make our baked tortellini (that's more like lasagna).

We will eat well all weekend, ha.


  1. That sounds like the perfect plan.

    1. We need those plans from time to time don't we? It's been nice so far, sleeping in, listening to the thunder and rain.

  2. Yes, it looks like a rainy weekend. It’s raining here now.
    Your plan of eating some good meals and just enjoying some down time is perfect!

    1. Down time is always needed. I think you got more rain that we did because it's still going on some today isn't it? It's been much more sporadic here today. Not sure how much we got at the farm yet but I'll check with them out there.

  3. Sounds like your Labor Day weekend is going to be a relaxing one! Enjoy it and enjoy the goodies prepared for you!

    1. It's been nice and relaxing so far. We've been reading, sleeping, eating, laundry, a little dusting, none of it in that order and some things more than others, ha.

  4. Just wondering--what kind of grass do you have at the farm?

    1. We have no idea. It's just whatever grows wild out there. It's probably just years of everything growing and being mowed and it morphs into something else, ha. One of my customers grew up on a working farm for years and we were talking once and he said they called in "farm grass" and his grandfather used to say '"stubborn grass". Same thing for them, it would dry up and be dead and one or two good rains, lush green. Then hard freezes, brown and crispy then Spring rains and lush green again. It's certainly not one thing like "St Augustine" or something something like that.


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