
Friday, September 9, 2022


We're not British, but so much of what we have enjoyed over the years is classically British.  Some of our faves: Absolutely Fabulous, Dr. Who, Keeping Up Appearances, Are You Being Served?, and so many other movies and shows and singers and entertainers.  In fact, our TV is on BBC America as much as any other station.

We've never traveled to England, but it's definitely on our list of places to visit and while don't follow much of the monarchy in detail, we are aware of the drama that sometimes goes along with it.

We can't help but be saddened by the death of Elizabeth, but we can marvel at her amazing life.

She was certainly colorful!  Who wouldn't know who this was in an instant?

Her love of horses was beautiful to see.  How happy does she look here?

And we all know about her corgis and her decades long love of them.

We love this picture of a beautiful young Queen who would go on to:

Reign through 14 US Presidents (meeting 13 of them)...

Oversee 15 Prime Ministers (including Churchill)...

Travel to at least 117 different countries and well over a million miles...

She would serve through wars and disasters, tragedies, and family controversies but also through victories and changes and wonderful moments, carefully guiding her nation from one century into another...

And yet through it all, she maintained her calm and steady leadership, her royal steadfastness as it is sometimes called, becoming a symbol of stability for generations of people around the world.

This photo, indeed her last official one, was taken just a few days ago when she met with the new Prime Minister.  Seemingly small in stature, but definitely larger than life, she gave 70 years of dedicated service to her country...and now, at 96, she rests.



  1. A wonderful tribute to the great queen.

  2. My goodness, this was almost as good as Charles's tribute to his mother this morning!

  3. What a beautiful tribute to an extraordinary woman. She was loved and respected worldwide. Her dedication to 70 years of service is so admirable.

  4. That was beautiful. Thank you of rthat. She was a presence for all of our lives wasn't she? Danielle

  5. Wonderfully written, thank you. And the perfect accompanying photos
    - love the rainbow outfits! She was so loved and very much respected by so many.

  6. amazing right to the very end! this is a wonderful tribute.

  7. I read once that how she carries her purse lets her guards know what she wants. They know her signals without her letting her public know her next move or ending a meeting. She always has a purse if she is out.


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