
Friday, September 23, 2022


Sometimes a meme says it all...

We saw this online and I laughed.  I immediately told 2nd Man that this is how I feel when we leave the city and the craziness of the world and disconnect out at the farm.  It might not stop what's going on in the rest of the world while I'm there, but it sure feels good to be doing stuff with plants and the garden and the fruit trees, even mowing...

Just trying to stay sane!


  1. i think a lot of us feel this exact same way.

    1. Right? We just have to do what we can do and keep on living our lives.

  2. We left a big city and moved to a small town 17 years ago and I am thankful every day that we made that decision. I'm glad you have the farm to escape to.

    1. What a great thing to share. Yes, we are so grateful and we're working out way out there. Hopefully this time next year, more on that in an upcoming post. It's so quiet and peaceful and just a different way of thinking out there.

  3. Good meme. Why do people try to muck things up? If people would learn to stay in their own lane, quit putting their beliefs on others, grow some compassion for those less fortunate, and stop thinking everything needs to be a power play, we might actually all be able to live in peace. Natural disasters are unavoidable, but I'll never understand intentionally causing and destruction for domination.

    1. Amen. I don't think we could even add anything to that. beautifully said. Thank you. :-)

  4. That’s the way I feel too. I just want peace – peace in my life and peace in the world. There are enough bad things that happen in the world naturally. Why do humans add to the misery – on purpose?! Empathy, respect, generosity, and kindness would go a long way in making this world a better place.
    My garden helps me keep my sanity also. Listening to the birds sing, watching butterflies visit the flowers, feeling the sun on my face, and helping things grow – that’s my happy place.

    1. Another great observation. Yes, even on the hot days, I just love being outside in nature. Now I don't mind some shade, ha, but just hearing birds and the wind, it's nice and mind clearing.

  5. I think gardening is about the only sane thing to do nowadays. I kept thinking things were finally going to get better, but ?????

    1. I hear you. It's often overwhelming but it's nice to just be in our own place away from all the chaos elsewhere. Hang in there, maybe someday we'll have a better world around us.

  6. God made the country, and man made the town.
    You can take me out of the country life, but you can't take the country life out of this ole gal. :}
    Have wonderful & joyful weekend.


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