
Wednesday, September 14, 2022


We were on the porch when we heard a strange noise and so I stood up...

...and saw these two military helicopters (Black Hawks I think?) coming in low and fast.  In the time in took me to pick up my phone...

...they were already flying over.

This second one was so low when it flew over the house, if I had been on the roof, I literally could have reached up and touched it.  "J" from 2nd Family said it rattled their windows.

We're guessing it has to do with this:

It looks like they were heading in to get ready for this training event.  It was cool to see but a bit unsettling as it happened live and unexpected.  We know why they are used in battlefield situations...they can sneak up on you and you'd never know it until it was too late.


  1. With Fort Hood Army post located near Killeen, Texas; we have them flying over our area all the time; anywhere from 3-5 at one time, heading to or coming from the Army base. and yes they will rattle your chain/windows Big time, especially when they are flying low, which is most of the time.
    Normally they are out for practice runs.
    Quite the site to see.

    1. Yep I bet they do. I think they are here for disaster practice runs. We saw many of them during Harvey, bringing rescued people to the convention center in downtown.

  2. What a cool thing to see! I’m glad you gave me the heads-up on this because I’m only about 60 miles SW of Houston and their flight path might take them over here. I’ll be on the lookout for them.
    With them flying so low, I imagine that was quite startling. I’ve seen videos of Ukrainian jets and helicopters flying very low and very fast in order to evade the russian radar and anti-aircraft. That sure takes a lot of skill.

    1. No problem, yep, the exercises run through end of next week so you never know. I think the second one saw me filming and lowered his flight path to give me a show. I gave him a thumbs up after they flew over, ha.

  3. I live near McDill Air base, and we are on a fly pattern, they do fly low at times. It makes me feel good to see them so nearby. It lets me know we have a strong military and men and women ready to protect our country. I have 3 grandkids in the military and a son retired after 23 years, most of those in the Rangers.

    1. Awesome, I bet you see all sorts of planes and helicopters. Yes, we need them to keep us safe. A dear friend's son is in the AF and works on black hawk copters. Kind of fun to see "sort of" up close. Thank your family for their service!!! Safety to all!!


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