
Saturday, May 25, 2024


Guess what?

Yesterday, the Zen Machine 2 was delivered back from the repair shop!  Woo hoo!  I took the day off to go out there are mow as I figured waiting any extra day is just taller grass, ha.

And I was right.  Pics in a post in a few days.

Today, as this posts, we are running an important errand and then doing a little shopping and picking up stuff for dinner today and this long weekend.

Hope your weekend is off to a good start!


  1. Yay, Zen II is back and reporting for service! I’m glad you were able to mow now before the grass became harder to mow. And that you took the day off from work to do this. Now you have the 3-day weekend to enjoy!

  2. That's good makes mowing so much easier

  3. Was there an update on what ailed this fine machine?


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