
Friday, May 31, 2024


We know many of you like the posts of the stuff I score downstairs.  Well, we like to post updates when we use something so we can share how it worked out.  So, remember when we posted HERE about finding the folding table downstairs?

Here it is in use!

Keeping it on the porch for now (folded up in the corner so it's out of the elements) as a temporary table for gardening related things.  It was being used here when I repotted a small tree.  Also, using the stool I found downstairs a while back!  I remember a couple of seasons ago when I sat on the porch working on stringing up the garlic and several other times sorting veggies from the garden.  This will be perfect for something like that.

It was nice just with the breeze, birds chirping, the wind chimes ringing...I was in my element, using our trash to treasure finds, ha!


  1. Those little folding tables come in handy for many things and one thing about them; when not in use, you can fold them up and stick out of the way. The stool; also very useful. Can use on porch as a small end table to hold that glass of wine and a small bowl of snacks / party mix, etc.
    Just wondering; did you get that fan down stairs in among your treasures as well?

  2. Having it handy beats having to go get it from another location. Chores are better in the breeze.

  3. A fold up table that is the right height and size is always a good thing to have around the house

  4. A folding table and a stool are always useful in so many places. Being easily portable, they can be picked up and moved everywhere. Both were great finds!


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