
Saturday, August 3, 2024


This is the post we had ready for last Saturday, before we got sick.  We're both 90% recovered and so today, as this posts, we're off to the builder for what they call our first "color appointment".  We meet with a designer for about 3 hours and go over all our choices for tile and cabinets and countertops and flooring and of course...

Paint colors!

They use only Sherwin-Williams so we have lots to choose from.  You may have seen the post last week, we picked the outside colors, that was pretty simple, but the inside is a bit more complicated.

There are SO many colors to choose from.  This is the SW paint 'color wall' like they have in each store.  We went a couple of weeks ago just to get a head start and wow, it can be overwhelming for sure.  Now, the builder will probably have the little flip book with all the colors and different shades of each.

Stay tuned as we show our choices, once we make them of course, ha.  They say this can take two or three visits but we've got a bit of a head start.  We'll also share our tiles and cabinets and countertops once we have those pinned down as well.

On the way back, we'll stop at Costco and pick up some things we're running low on.

Tomorrow I will head to the farm, after this week of monsoon rains, to see how things are.

Hope your weekend is off to a good start!


  1. You are starting on the journey of a life time. Once the train leaves the station, there is no going back. Enjoy the ride.

  2. I think we are ALL so excited to go on this journey with you two fellas! The thing with paint colors ... you can always repaint!

  3. There are so many colours to choice from, for some it would be a mind blowing decision.

  4. What I like best about Sherwin Williams is the ability to order the large peel and stick samples, so you can see the actual color in all types of light.
    Years ago I bought a peach color and painted our bedroom. When we woke the next morning our lovely soft peach had changed. TheHubs first reaction was to tell me it looked like we woke in a Florida bordello. My reaction to his reaction was to wonder HTH he knew what a Florida bordello looked like.
    There is nothing quite like painting a room twice in a 24 hour span.

  5. It’s so exciting to finally have y’all’s dream becoming a reality! I can’t wait to see your choices.

  6. I've moved way too many times (Used to swear my SO's CEO reorganized the company whenever he had a bad golf game - and he was a lousy golfer.) Learned the hard way to paint the walls a warm vanilla and live in the house a year, see how the light worked it in it, before I began selecting room colors. Saved a lot of money and work that way.

  7. Sounds like fun and exciting all at the same time but yet it can be all over whelming.
    One thing I have learned that when you paint walls, etc. that the paint color will get a bit darker as the paint dries. There is A Lot to consider when picking out colors, cabinets, etc. Enjoy the ride
    You both have a wonderful weekend.

  8. It might be overwhelming, but it's far better than the paint chip selection at our local small WM. About a year ago, they cut it way back to include only colors like in the far right 2 sections of the Sherwin Williams display. Sad, drab, dull. Have to say it matches the store's bath towel selection - white, gray, black only. No colors.

    Peel & stick samples!? Wow, that's even better than the little sample paint pots. And I hope whoever came up with the Sherwin Williams ad campaign of using paint color strips to make the animals, plants, buildings, scenery...everything...a good raise. Or at least a good bonus.


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