
Friday, August 16, 2024


 Didn't finish the post for the new house teaser so I'll put this up that we had ready to go.  We'll resume regular new house updates next week.

Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found quite a few cool items over the last few years.

So recently, I found this.  What is it?  I'm not exactly sure!  Ha!  It's a long lucite tube, I know that much.  Almost 5' long (tall?) and about 12" in diameter.  It's thick lucite too, a good 1/4" or more thick.  You know when you see something and you just KNOW it could be useful?  Well, yeah...

...I snatched it up and took it to the farm.  2nd Man said "what are you going to do with that?"

"I don't know but I want it!"  LOL!

Hmm, mount it to a base and put lights inside?  Sealing up the bottom and try to grow something in there like a terrarium? It doesn't take up any space in the barn, in fact I put it up in the rafters so it's OK, I may not know yet, but that's half the fun.  And this time next year, I'll be out there staring at it and going "hmm..."

Any random thoughts on a use/project?


  1. A tube like that is usually used for shipping in it.
    Now, it can be cut down to any size / sizes you want. If you can find clear caps to put on the end, you can fill with candy, tennis balls or just about anything really.
    If you can't find the clear end caps, find a PVC cap ( which could be lightly sanded and paint to desired color) that may fit and at Christmas time you can put in round colored ornaments in it to match with your color decor.
    Can also store round wooden dowels in it / cap on the end of course.
    I'm sure eventually you will find a good use for it.
    Have a great day and enjoy your weekend.

  2. I'd get some pretty rocks - some translucent ones if you can find them - or pieces of decorative colored plastic if you can find it, seal the bottom, fill it with lights and turn it into a "lamp". Would look cool in the corner of a house or on a porch....

  3. Cap one end, put some measurements on it, voila a rain gauge.

  4. Lights at Christmas and nothing else. They could hang from the top. Fairy lights would work.

  5. I love it and I would have pulled it out if I'd got there before you ! I am surprised that people are putting in whole empty cardboard boxes , here we are told to flatten cardboard boxes .💐🤍🌿

  6. My husband gives thanks daily, that we longer have space for "trash" I have collected, that awaits an aha! moment.

  7. Bird feeder(s). Gemma's Person

    1. Aquarium/fish bowl

    2. You could seal the bottom and use it as a rain gauge. We had a rain gauge that was similar.


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