
Thursday, October 7, 2010

More Farm and Garden Reading!

OK.......magazines.  While there a million books out there on farms and gardening and an endless variety of topics related to that, there aren't exactly a lot of magazines that are devoted to the topics you need to learn, but being the magazine business, I'm sure that's directly related to demand for a specific topic.

ON10 Small CoverGRIT cover September-October 2010 IssueMOTHER EARTH NEWS: October/November 2010

Here are a few of my favorites. While "Grit" has been around for a long time, the one that has the biggest and best name recognition today is probably "Mother Earth News" .  Believe it or not, the magazine is now celebrating it's 40th Anniversary.  "Hobby Farms" is full of great info, and so is "The Herb Companion".  There are even magazines that focus on specic topics, such as "Backyard Poultry" which covers raising chickens, something we want to do for sure (not for meat but for eggs).  But more on that in another post.

There are of course many gardening magazines, it's often hard to choose just one or two.  For farm related topics in general, I think if I could only have one magazine, it would be a tossup between Mother Earth and Grit.  Both cover a wide range of topics.  Be sure and click on any of the links above (the underlined titles) and you'll be directed to their websites for a first hand viewing.

I've really learned a lot from these magazines, not only about what TO do, but what we CAN do in the future,and what we WANT to do if possible.  So many great ideas.  Now we just need some land to do it all on!  SO.....Any other great magazines out there that I'm missing?  Suggestions?  Feel free to post in the comments section!  I'm always up for some new reading material!

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