
Monday, October 11, 2010

So What Kind of Farm Land Did We Find?

You might ask.......where is the land?  Well, it's a long story that I will try to shorten.  We have been casually looking, on and off, for about 7 years.  We've looked in Chappell Hill, Burton, Brenham (yep home of THIS well known place and if you don't know about it, I'm sorry!).  These are all areas NW of Houston.

We hadn't really thought about West of Houston, but one of the reasons we've been so enamored of the country is because of some of our best friends in the world, that we couldn't consider to be more family even if they were family, have lived out there for years and years.  "Ma" as we shall call her, had a beautiful old farmhouse that she lovingly fixed up and saved from some mis-informed yuppies (this was the late 80's after all).  Suffice it to say, they had already begun their 'renovation' by ripping out an old wooden pantry to put in an all mirrored and glass shelved monstrosity, complete with fluorescent lights .  Anyway, she bought the house from them, put her touch on it and made it into a great home on about 5 acres in the country. 

After deciding that it was a bit too much house, she found a small frame house in Houston that was slated for demolition, ironically, not far from where we live now, and had it moved out there.  She plopped it down the road from her big house, onto a family member's property and tucked it way in the back of about 10 acres.  And there she has lived for the last 15 years.

Fast forward to today and she and the family want to sell part of the land, and her house, so that she can move to someplace even smaller and easier to manage.  So the first thing she asked was if we would be interested in her house along with the land.  Originally we had thought about buying just the land, and someday building a home.  Now we might just have the chance for a home that we can use as our base of operations to work on the land and turn it into our dream property.

So that's what we have, and in another post, I will share details of the property, what it looks like, what features it has, etc.

We can't wait to call it our own!

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