
Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is HERE

Call a Doctor, yesterday was the first day of Spring and I'm getting Spring fever in the worst way!  I have an overwhelming desire to plant and dig in the dirt and create something beautiful!  There is nothing more satisfying than planting seeds and watching them grow, 

If we don't get to close this week, I think I might go insane!  And I KNOW the wonderful family friend we're buying it from will too!
(hang in there, you know who you are!)

I made the mistake of going to the garden center today.  A veritable explosion of color.  Of course, I think April is when the bulk of the fun begins, so I don't feel like I'm too far behind, but I'm definitely ready to get some color out there.  Originally the plan was to get the house done first, and while that's still the main priority, I'm going to have to get some greenery in the ground so it can start growing.  We sure don't want to be putting in flowers in June, they might not ever bloom!  We realize the main part of it might not happen until later, but some has to be done now.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it....LOL.

FINGERS STILL CROSSED.  I've got stuff to plant!  

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