
Saturday, April 16, 2011


A really cool feature about this house is the nice size mudroom/pantry right off the kitchen and the dining room.  It's actually the door at the other end of the front porch as well, so you can go in 'the back way' if necessary.  For those who might not know, a mudroom is something that is making a sort of comeback in larger homes now.  Back in the day, the mudroom was an integral part of the home.  It gets its name from the fact that it was a place where you could come into the house "muddy", i.e. dirty, wet, dusty, whatever, and clean off your shoes, hang coats to dry, etc, before entering the house.

As you can see, this one is in an all wood finish, very rustic.  We've been asked if we are going to paint it and we have decided to leave it as is.  Our changes in here will be mainly to the floor, we want the same matching black and white linoleum checkerboard pattern.  Also, the exterior door currently has a window so, in order to keep the room cool, and since we'll be using it as a pantry to keep the food in good shape, we will replace the door with a windowless one.

This is the spot for the refrigerator.  It's still convenient to the kitchen but not taking up valuable floor space. We'll have to find one that fits just right, but we think we've narrowed that down as well.  By the way, that doorway is what goes into the dining room and right around the corner is the kitchen.

These shelves were screwed into the wall, but we're going to put up floor to ceiling storage shelves.  Ikea or Container Store, here we come!  The only other major change is that this is the room where Ma also had her washing machine.  We are not going to have one out there at this time, but in the interim, we want to put in a utility sink to do all those big washing jobs, craft projects, rinsing off big pots or maybe even the occasional animal that might need a bath.

SO....there you have it.....the house.....I know you're thinking, but wait, what about the bathroom?  And the other bedroom?  I don't have any good pictures of those.  In a nutshell, the bathroom is just that, a small bathroom, tub on one wall, a small window opposite, sink on one side, toilet on the other and 2 doors, opposite each other, opening into each bedroom.  The guest room is slightly smaller than the master, one set of windows, and has the unique feature of two closets.  I'll get pics at some point to share soon.

Tomorrow,  I'll post some more yard pics, and then some pictures of, hopefully, the work I'm doing out there today (while y'all are reading this!).

Thanks for touring the house with us, can't wait to watch it change!

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