
Saturday, June 18, 2011


Have you seen this squash?
It's pretty cool, I hadn't heard of it, but the other day, we were at 
Hubbell and Hudson and they had this squash.  I love the look of it.

We bought some, and brought it home.  2nd Man cooked it very simply, sliced, and sauteed lightly in some butter, just to test it's flavor without other flavors overpowering it.  It's a slightly nutty squash, very tasty, firm, and downright delicious.  I really wouldn't think it's much different than a regular yellow squash, and could even substitute for a zucchini in a pinch.  Anything you can do with regular squash, you could do with this.

One thing I'm doing, and have been doing, is to create a list of the vegetables we want to grow at the farm.  I'll share that list later on, but I've definitely added this wonderful vegetable to it.
It's considered a Summer squash,
has an open growth habit making it easy to harvest,
and is supposed to be very prolific.
I can't wait to grow these.  It might even be fun to try to can them somehow.
And I'm sure 2nd Man can fry it, saute it, steam it, casserole it, bake it and otherwise cook it into something great.
I'm sure experimenting will be half the fun!

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