
Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Did you know you can paint mason jars?
I had no idea!

White spray paint can create this:
Photo Courtesy of:
Or yellow spray paint creates this: 

courtesy of:
Or you can mix it up like these:

Courtesy of:
I just LOVE this idea.  Apparently, from the various websites I could find, the best and easiest way is to paint them on the outside, using a few light coats of a good, quality spray paint.

My favorite all around spray paint is: Rust-Oleum Painters Touch Ultra Cover

The white reminds me of milk glass (we have a rather large collection) and looks so pretty with a candle in it.  These would all make nice vases as well. 
Hmm, maybe even for pens on a desk, or tools in a kitchen too!  I don't think I would drink out of these.  They are however painted on the outside, and if you kept the top portion, where your mouth would go, as clear, unpainted glass, it might be OK but still, better for use as other things.

I like their use as accessories, candle holders, vases, etc.

Good luck and enjoy!


  1. The white mason jars are not spray painted. The jars are made of porcelain and hand-cast in molds made from antique mason jars. This seller deserves to have credit for these lovely products she makes and shouldn't have them labeled as "spray painted". I originally found this seller on Apartment Therapy and have lovely them ever since.

    Here is a little more information on these jars so they may be accurately labeled:

    As a fellow Etsy seller, I know that my feelings would be hurt if I would to have a product of mine displayed and tagged as something much lower quality than it actually is.

    1. Hello! Thanks for the correction. I removed the photo and replaced it with one that was spray painted white since I wanted one that would show what it looked like if someone did use white paint. I don't want to have a photo that represents something other than what I was writing about.

      That's what happens sometimes when you get a photo from a website that got it from another website that got it from another...ha. It's easy to lose the original message/source.

      Thanks again!! Fixed!


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