
Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Well, we got the estimate.  It's considerably more than we wanted to spend, but looking at all the work involved and how much he's actually going to do, we're thinking that having a "new" interior, fresh and clean and ready to go is worth the cost of good quality work.  So I believe we are going to move forward this week.  It's possible that by Labor Day, it will be done, at least on the inside!  We have to remind ourselves, there is no deadline, we do it as we can.  Someday soon though, it will all be done and look amazing and we'll look back on all this and laugh...   

1 comment:

  1. You know... you can paint yourselves.... j/k

    I was thinking of you while I was mowing my very green yard this afternoon. You and 2nd man should come up here this fall and visit. I'll take you on a tour of the countryside and show you lots of cows. Check out houses and maybe be inspired. Today it's mid 70s during the day and dropping into the 50s at night. Fall is usually 50s and 60s during the day, and with the leaves changing.... I think you'd love it. I'm only 45 minutes from Milwaukee airport, and there's far less traffic here... unless you have to wait for tractors, that is. Think about it.


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