
Monday, September 19, 2011


Stomp and Drag ceiling
The ceilings are finished as well!  This is a technique called "stomp and drag".  We had never heard of it, but the painter recommended it as a means to cover the flaws in the ceiling and plus it's a popular ceiling texture.  We weren't sure what it was when he said it, but when we did finally see it, we understood.  I've seen this on many ceilings, just never knew what it was called.  By the way, in this picture, those strips on the ceiling are original to the house, they are a decorative element, not related to the 'stomp and drag' technique.  We didn't want them to be removed, we like that character and style.

Anyway, they are all done, the holes where vents were, and other misc hardware on the ceilings are patched up and covered and it looks wonderful.

We're almost there!

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