
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


This is the original path going from where everyone parked, up to the steps of the porch.

Since we are moving the steps over, and making them wider, we felt it was time to change the path that leads you to the front porch, and that I needed to pull up the timbers and the pavers.

Our new path will be wider, reflecting the new 4 foot wide stairs, and it will be curving toward the parking area instead of a straight line.  We like curving lines at the farm.  Perhaps because the city house has very straight lines now; the driveway, the front flower beds, the sidewalks, they are all straight and geometric.  We want curves and a more fluid, natural looking design at the farm.

So last Sunday, I took all of this up!  For now it will just be left as is, but once the weather cools down and we're ready for some landscaping, we'll do something creative out there.

We can always do the walkways and flowerbeds now and then do the plants next Spring.

Now if we could just get some rain, the brown, dead grass makes me sad...

1 comment:

  1. Once the weather cools off? You mean when it drops into the 90s???


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