
Friday, September 23, 2011


 Here is the dining room as it was before.  Note the doorway.  Since that's going to be our guest room, we didn't need a doorway from there to the dining room, and it would give us more wall space in each room. There's also an old electrical panel and switch we didn't need.
And here it is with the ceiling painted and all of those openings closed up!  It will look more cohesive when it's all painted, I still feel like the plywood is a doorway (not to mention I must have started to walk through that direction about a dozen times), but we'll get used to it. 


  1. My partner Marc and I are hoping to find a place in the country ourselves one of these days. Unfortunately, I don't think we have your remodeling abilities.

    It'll be interesting to see what the place looks like this time next year.

    So what's it like in Texas country this time of year? I'm thinking dry and hot?

  2. @thomas: OMG, dry and hot is THE answer. Actually more like REALLY dry and SUPER hot, ha. And as for remodeling, hey, we hire it out, a little at a time. If you have a vision, you can get it done by someone, just make sure you find the right person to do the work. It's like dating, ha.

    As for this time next year, oh, I can only HOPE it looks 1/4 as good as your gardens. We might have the inside done, but the outside is the next project. I need to start on the raised beds as soon as it's cooler. Until then, I live vicariously through your blog pics.


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