
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Over the last couple of weeks, I've been shopping at a local nursery that is putting all their stuff on 70% off. 

I'm lucky to have one near my office and so I can go at lunch, load a couple of trees in the car and take them home.  So far, this is our fruit inventory:
  • Tropic Snow Peach
  • Dorsett Golden Apple
  • Kieffer Pear
  • Pineapple Pear
  • Santa Rosa Plum
  • Celeste Fig
  • Texas Everbearing Fig
  • Arapaho Blackberry
  • Navajo Blackberry
  • Carlos Muscadine Grape Vine
  • Cowart Muscadine Grape
This is in addition to the trees I already have at home: 
  • Desirable Pecan
  • Choctaw Pecan
  • Mexicola Grande Avocado
  • Arbequina Olive
So as you can see, we have a lot of potential for fruit, berry and nut production.  There are more that we want, notice the lack of citrus.  We would love a lemon, lime and orange...also want to try some blueberries, but for now, this is what we have.  They are best planted in their dormant season, usually from December to March, so if I can just baby them through the rest of this heat and then protect from freezes, we'll be good.

Hopefully in a few years, we can go out and gather up something like this!


  1. I'll pass on the nuts. I have enough of those in my life... But send the fruits and berries on up.

  2. We might have to work out some future trade of fruits and berries for cheese curds! LOL!


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