
Friday, September 16, 2011


Above is Julia Child's kitchen wall at her cottage in France....

And here is Julia Child's kitchen wall at her studio...

And here is her kitchen wall as it was in her home, now in the Smithsonian...

And here is where I want to create the same thing for 2nd Man's cooking utensils, pots, and pans!

I figured this is a great spot for something like this.  The wall is too close to the doorway to put a piece of furniture, it's too shallow for shelves that would be able to hold anything, and if we put pictures or something there, it would just be a huge waste of that space. Since our storage is limited out there, why not do something just like this?

As soon as I can, I want to work on this.  It's a pretty simple DIY, some strips of wood to raise the pegboard off the wall, making sure they are anchored well, and then attach the pegboard to them.  Or perhaps they have some that are already done and you just mount them?  I've had painted pegboard before (in a garage) and it scratched the paint after use for a while, so I hope there is something that will help with that.  I am not sure when I will get to this project but it's on the list of things to do when we get settled with more stuff inside.

We think Julia would love it...


  1. Love Julia, thanks for sharing...can't wait to see how it comes out!

  2. Second man would love that and maybe we'll get more strawberry cakes with that kind of hardware.

  3. Can't wait to visit and see the finished product.

  4. You'll be the first to see it, and I promise a Strawberry cake...whenever we get a stove, ha.

  5. Great idea!! I just finished writing about how much I want a Julia Child pegboard in my kitchen.

  6. Love this idea! I've often admired Julia Childs' utensil wall.


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