
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


New porch stairs
Yesterday we debuted the finished porch railing, here is the other end.  We have new stairs!  Before, there was a just one smaller set (you can see where it was, the dark spot on the white part).  We had it moved over a bit, and then, the biggest change, we had an entire new second set put on the end.  We figured it would be nice to have a set of stairs leading to a different part of the yard and it just looks good.

The Porch Guy did an awesome job.  He set the posts in concrete, he added extra support under the stairs since they are wider than normal (4 feet wide) and he even set the bottom steps on concrete pads just to keep them from deteriorating, even though they are pressure treated and should last a long time.  It's the little touches like that that we appreciated.  

Please pardon all the debris and trash on the porch and ground.  That's the nature of having work done.  After it's done, a truck is coming to haul off everything.  Then of course we need to have it painted, all white with barn red trim around doors and windows.  So I still consider these pics as "during".  When it's DONE, we'll have more pics. 

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