
Saturday, September 3, 2011


It came!  It came!  We made our first (if you don't count ceiling fans, trees, and a toilet, LOL) "farm specific" purchase.  This isn't something we can use in the city...well we could use it I suppose, but we have no SPACE for it so it really is only for the farm. When we first saw this and I blogged about it HERE, it was always intended for use in the mudroom/pantry.

Here it is, all 55 lbs of it.
Flash forward to a couple of weeks ago when there was a sale on the website, plus a discount coupon code for an additional 20% off, and it was just too good of a deal to pass up.
We ordered it and it arrived yesterday afternoon.

I want to put it together (it looks to be a pretty simple process), and then we can transport it out there already done.  I figure that saves me from doing it out at the farm.  2nd Man thinks I should wait and do it there because it's easier to transport in it's box.  I'll keep you posted on the outcome...and post pics of the final product.

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