
Friday, October 7, 2011

25000 VISITS

THANK YOU...we hit 25000 page views today!

Please continue with us on our journey.
A lot is about to start happening now that the house is almost finished inside.

Landscaping and planting, garden building and planning, land clearing, new fun stuff to buy/use, the exterior painting, rooms to furnish and decorate, and of course, meals to cook.

Keep checking in, my goal is always to post something new daily and I think I've met that goal most of the time...and I usually post several times a day.  If you come back at least once a day, you're almost certain to get new content.  And when we start going out to Seda Bolsa on a regular basis, we'll have lots of stuff to share here on the blog.  Thanks again!

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Now, let us hear from you!