
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


As you read this, I will be at the farm.  Yep, in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day.  

The furniture from Nadeau that I blogged about is being delivered today. The painter tells me the flooring is almost done.  He's done all the vinyl flooring, and now the hardwoods are in the process of completion. The painting is done except for touch ups. All we are apparently waiting for now are the new doors for the closets and bathroom.

I am taking a 1/2 day off to go out there.  While waiting for the delivery guy, I hope to be able to do some of the little things I wanted to do the last time we were out there but couldn't.  Put up the closet light pulls, put the lightbulbs in, maybe even install the light fixtures in the kitchen.  Just depends on if I'm alone there for awhile or not.  The workers may be there and I surely don't want to get in their way.

Our farm fence line from "greener days" last year

One thing is for sure, I WILL have new pictures.  LOTS of them.  Now tomorrow is of course "Inspiration Thursday", so photos will come Friday
(unless I sneak a few onto the blog tonight when I get home!). 

Can't wait to see it up close!


  1. Do try to sneak in a few pictures tonight....pretty please. I'll be unplugging my modem on Friday and packing up the laptop for my trip south. I have no idea when I'll have an internet connection. We stay in the "pet room" section of the hotel the night we're on the road, where we don't get complementary internet. Sometimes I can get WIFI from the main hotel if I sit on the windowsill and hold the laptop up to the window at just the right angle ;-)

  2. @Annie's Granny: Oh I wish I could get some pics up, I'd do it just for you!! My apple is being update with the new system, I thought it would only be an hour at most, it's showing 4 hours download time. I posted an update story with only one "yard" picture.

    You all have a VERY safe trip, and you will be missed, here and on your blog, can't wait to hear from you when you get set up down South! I always enjoy your posts here and of course love your blog.

    Just think, by the time you log back on, I'll probably have LOTS of updates for you to read through. Fingers crossed!

    Safe travels!!


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Now, let us hear from you!