
Monday, October 10, 2011

DIDN'T GET TO SEE THE FARMHOUSE Saturday, after the bee class, we were on our way out to the farm, when the painter/contractor called and said that he had finished installing the vinyl flooring and was staining the hardwood floors.  He said next Saturday we could have the final walk through.  We weren't too far out there when we got the call, so we decided that we couldn't really go out and walk around on them so we'd save the trip for Sunday to go check on things.

We used the time to swing by some stores and do some shopping, bought and saw some cool things I'll blog about later.  Then we spent the rest of the evening with our friends that recently had a beautiful baby boy.  Even though we didn't get to the farm, it was a good day with good friends and good food.

So then yesterday, we woke up with plans to head out to the farm, but instead, we awoke to thunder, lightning, and pouring rain.  That's good napping weather!  We decided to just wait and see it later this week.  

We did schedule the Nadeau furniture delivery for Wed at 3:30, so I'll be taking a half day off work to head out there and meet the delivery guys.  We're hoping the floors are finished by then, but regardless,  the furniture is coming, finished or not.  2nd Man is jealous because I'll get to the see the house "finished" (almost finished?) before him but nothing I can do about that, it just the way it worked out.

Finally, we have an end date and the final stages of remodeling
(at least of this phase in the plan) are happening at last.


  1. Cool - you must be very excited to finally be making some (moving in) progress. Can't wait to see pics :)

  2. @Dani: Yes, it's progress. It seems like this has gone on forever, but really it hasn't it's just the steps leading UP to it went on forever, ha. We are ok with a few more days. Of course this is all just to get the inside livable now we have to work on the outside. I'm thinking now that cooler weather is more or less here, I might start on the working on the property in the next couple of weeks. If I'm going to have those long dreamed about gardens next Spring, I better start working on the infrastructure, ha.

    Pictures soon!!

  3. Looking good! What kind of tree is in the front of the house?

  4. How exciting! I can't wait to see some pics! Yes, you better get working on that garden!

  5. @Thomas: Thanks! Yeah, we want to pull up and see all that trash and junk from the remodeling gone too. It doesn't exactly have curb appeal. Oh wait, there isn't a curb, ha. I'm not sure what kind of tree that is, down here we call them trash trees, its something that grew up there as a random sprout and became a tree. It's hard to tell in the picture but it's not very attractive and I will be cutting it down. I don't like cutting down trees, I'm a believer in keeping them if at all possible, but it's a little close to the house, it's in the way of the new stairs, and it sort of blocks the view from the porch. So it's coming down but never fear, I will replace it with something else, in a better spot. There are other nice trees out of camera range, so we have some trees in the front. I'll put something like maybe a Crepe Myrtle. Thanks for the kind words!

  6. @Robin: Yes, when this is done, we still have to have the exterior painted but I need to start planting stuff, that's for sure. Building beds around the foundation, planting some new trees, and of course, clearing the area where I want the raised beds to go and then building them. I know I can't plant veggies now, but I can get the beds built this Fall and have them in place and ready for planting next Spring. I can't wait!! Thanks for checking!!

  7. The porch looks so different with the new railings and steps....LOVE it!

  8. @Granny: It does doesn't it!? We love the two sets of stairs, it changes the look of the front and it also helps (or will help if it ever gets finished, ha) with traffic flow on the porch. Now we just need to get it all painted...


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