
Monday, October 17, 2011


Mason Jars with Floating Candles

Here is another quickie idea I found online.  I've blogged about using Mason Jars as candle holders several times, but I don't know why I didn't think about this.  Just filling them with water and dropping in some floating candles!  How simple and cool!

These have some raffia tied to them but you could use ribbon or anything rustic you might have on hand.



  1. I think that we are looking at a serious mason jar addiction!!! Do you know how many posts you have with mason jar ideas??? 13!!

    They are really cool and I have quite a collection of old jars!!

  2. @Robin: I am 1st Man and I have a problem...LOL! Maybe I should just make it a regular feature, like Mason Jar Madness Monday or something like that? Ha.


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