
Tuesday, October 4, 2011


All in one utility sink

Well, as often happens in the remodeling process of a house, you run across things that force changes in your original wants/desires.  We encountered that yesterday.

We found stumbled upon the above utility sink at our local LOWES big box store.  It's a wood base cabinet, in the cottage style that will fit with the design/style of our house, with an ABS 15 gallon sink.  The best thing is, this is an "all in one box".  It has the base, the sink, all the plumbing hardware connections, a high arch faucet and a pull out extension, even a built in soap dispenser.  Not a bad deal and it might hide the pipes.  It's not exactly what we want, but we just might get it.

UPDATE 11/2012:  We found a sink that was more in the style we originally wanted and got it so this one is not on our wish list any more.  


  1. Thanks, I think it will suit our purposes and still look good at the same time. And really, isn't that all that really matters? Ha.


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