
Monday, October 31, 2011


Wall mounted oil lamps in the dining room
We finally got the oil lamps put up in the dining room.  We found these online at the really cool mail order/store LEHMANS.  They have a huge amount of oil lamps and accessories as well as a lot of other "non electric" fun stuff.  These were pretty inexpensive, which was a huge plus, and will let us try out what it's like to have only lamplight at night in the dining room.  We bought five of them, and put one centered in between each window frame, as you can see in these photos above and below.

More wall mounted oil lamps
This photo also shows the 4th and 5th ones, mounted in the center of each piece of wall all along one side and the end.  They were, of course, all mounted at the same height.  We measured down from the top, it's easier that way because floors can sometimes be uneven, and due to the height we wanted, we were closer to the ceiling, i.e. less space to measure, less room for error. 

If you ever do get oil lamps of any kind, it's good to do as we did and make sure to get the best quality lamp oil you can locate.  We found a brand that is 100% pure paraffin oil that is guaranteed to be smokeless, soot less and odorless.  That's very important, especially on white walls.  You will pay a little more, but trust me, you'll save work, worry, and cleaning later on.  Another plus was that these lamps hold a small amount of oil in each so one bottle of lamp oil worked perfectly divided between the five of them.

We didn't stay until dark, so we don't know how they look all lit at once.  Our plan next weekend is to stay until dark so we can fire them up and see what the room looks like lit the old fashioned way.  Fingers crossed!

You KNOW I'll have pictures!


  1. I just love those oil lamps! Everything is coming along nicely!

    I always find that once you are in a house, it kind of tells you want it should have. Just take your time and you will be very pleased.

    These are the fun times!!!

  2. Oh WOW! Those are absolutely gorgeous! I couldn't quite picture what you were planning, but this is fantastic!!! Congratulations on finally being able to piece it all together (literally)! What a gift!!!

  3. @Bee Girl: Thanks for the vote of confidence. I wasn't sure when I ordered them what they'd look like put up, but it is what I had hoped for. I just can't wait to see how much the light the room when we light them. It is coming together, a little at a time. Fingers crossed.


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