
Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I think this is such a cute idea, and we are totally going to use this at the farm.  There are a couple of trees on the property that have died in the drought this summer and I was going to have to cut them down at some point anyway.  It always makes me sad to lose a tree, but looking at this, I think it would be a PERFECT use for one of those trees.

We think it would be neat to have one right off the front porch, near the PARTY TREE so that it would be a great conversation piece when company comes over to visit.

I love the flowers around this one and the brightly colored signs.  Not sure I'd do the birdhouse at the top, I might have a different idea for that.

This could be a project I start on soon.  I can only hope it looks half as good as this one does.  Now I'll just need to figure out what cities/towns/countries to point to!  There is great potential for being goofy and silly in choosing them.  It should be fun!


  1. I agree that's cute. I may have to make one for my garden. I will probably paint the signs with names of my plants. We all need help to find thing a time or two.LOL

  2. Oh, I'll have to send you pictures of the bird house that one of the ladies at work makes. You will love it. Similar style and she decorates them for Christmas too.

  3. Michelle - What an awesome idea! We have a large piece of property, most of it as yet undeveloped, but I could totally see signs that point the way to "Fruit Trees" or "Bees" or "Veggie Gardens". Too cool!!!!!

    Kelly - I'm definitely going to want some birdhouses around the property, in fact, a post on that is coming up soon. Does she sell them? Can't wait to see!

  4. Yes, for a whopping $22. She said she's going up "a couple of bucks" next year.

    I'll send you a picture when I get mine. I ordered one for my grandparents for Christmas.

  5. Kelly - Yes, send a pic when you get one, I might have to have one later on for the farm.


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