
Saturday, November 26, 2011


I decided to start a new fun feature, to VOTE on a question/poll each week.

I'll put it up every Saturday morning, describing what the vote is all about, and the actual voting will be done via a click poll right here inside the post.

It might be a random silliness vote, or we might ask for an opinion on something we are doing at the farm.

I'll leave it up all week, ending Friday night, that way, more people can vote.  You don't have to comment, just click to vote.  Then, if you are so inclined, please also feel free to discuss it here in the comments, but again, voting only is just fine too.

SO...let's start things out with this one:

What is your favorite season?

Click, vote, and chat here about it.  And if you ever miss one, just look for the "Weekly Poll" label and vote on all the prior ones (today is the first).


  1. I Have a pretty good feeling it's going to be Autumn as the winner. What's not to love about it---pretty colors, great temps, NO BUGS. If only it lasted longer.............

  2. I love fall with the crisp mornings and warm days. It is time to sit back and reflect on the success of our harvest and look forward to eating all that we have put away for the long winter that is about to follow.

  3. I have always loved Fall. However, the promise of Spring has gained considerable ground this year. I'm grateful for the hoop houses/wagons, but I much prefer placing my seedlings directly into the ground and watching them reach for the sky! So, spring it is, with all it's promise and hope!

  4. Sue, Wilderness, Bee Girl - I was always a big fan of Fall. It's a nice respite from the long hot summers, and of course the colors are beautiful. But the more I start planting and growing stuff, I'm liking Spring with it's new growth and beautiful flower colors. Not to mention the fresh veggies that start their journey from seeding to my tummy! Ha.


Please leave us a comment! I have some comment moderation on and of course will approve your comment relatively quickly. We love feedback and hearing what others have to share with us all. Please know that I can't always reply to it right away, but ALL comments are read. I will reply just as soon as I can so be sure to come back and see my reply.

Now, let us hear from you!