
Monday, December 5, 2011


Muffins in an egg carton
I'm always on the lookout for neat ways of taking something ordinary and making it just a little bit 'extraordinary'.  I found this online and thought it was such a fun idea.  It's an egg carton, used as a presentation "box" for mini muffins!  Of course this one is decorated as well, looks like someone decorated it for Earth Day.  A very neat idea!

I just found the picture randomly with a google search, so I'm not sure who gets the credit for this.  As always, if you know, let me know and I'll make sure they get credit and a link back to their website.

In the meantime, I think I foresee some mini muffins brought to the office in an egg carton...courtesy of Seda Bolsa Farm!



  1. You find the neatest things. You're like my own personal pinterest, ha. Thanks for sharing. Love your blog by the way, I can't wait to see what you and 2nd Man do with your house and property. it's been fun to share in the journey so far.

  2. Jeanine - Thanks for the kind words. I have spent years just scouring the internet and looking for random things I like (not to mention books, magazines and other websites) and I just save things I like. Thanks again for visiting and keep coming back, the fun stuff is coming!


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