
Monday, January 23, 2012


Well, for some reason, my company has decided to block all blogs from access.  Anything with a "blogspot" or "wordpress" address is now restricted.

Until today, I would use my breaks, or lunch, or coming in early or staying late, to work on the blog.  I could get ahead of the curve for future postings, reply to your comments, visit favorite blogs and make comments on them.  But now, it looks like I’ll be relegated to doing this at night when I get home.  So if you wonder why I don’t reply right to your comments right away, that’s why.

I have an iPad, and so I’ll have to work on that and see how easy it is to use for “mobile blogging”.  Hey, maybe there’s an “app for that”, ha.  Of course, wouldn’t this happen on the first day back from getting lots of pics at the farm.

Bear with me over the next few days as, begrudgingly, I get into a new routine.

Thanks to each of you for your continued loyalty!


  1. If it's any comfort to you, not being able to blog from work isn't half as bad as living in Arizona for a winter with intermittent or no internet at all! I just hope it doesn't slow your blog posts down too much :-0

    1. I can't imagine! I've been away at times and I feel like I'm missing something when I can't blog or check others. And by the way, I miss you on your blog when you aren't around!!

  2. Maybe your employer doesn't want you doing personal work on you computer or "wasting time" while at work. I have been known to check out blogs during some down time at work.

    1. Heather, that's so true. I am not a time waster, I'm very cautious about only blogging at work when I'm there early (have to leave early because of traffic), or I stay through lunch I'll do some stuff (or on breaks) but it could be that they just don't want that bandwidth used or something. It's not me personally, this is a company wide thing. We did have some computer issues yesterday and today and a friend of mine said they might have just shut down access to non essential sites. It would be weird to block blogs when they allow eBay and Etsy and Amazon and a whole lot of other time wasters ha.


Please leave us a comment! I have some comment moderation on and of course will approve your comment relatively quickly. We love feedback and hearing what others have to share with us all. Please know that I can't always reply to it right away, but ALL comments are read. I will reply just as soon as I can so be sure to come back and see my reply.

Now, let us hear from you!