
Friday, January 20, 2012


2nd Family down at the other end of the property said that there are a few deer that have been roaming around the property lately when we aren't out there.  Not sure if they are foraging for food now that we are in Winter, but I saw this and just had to laugh.

Sure hope this isn't in my future later this Spring!



  1. If you grow it, THEY will come!

    1. Sue - I kind of had a feeling that might be the case. Don't they make some sort of good "Deer b gone"? LOL!

  2. TRUE Sue! I will never forget 2004. I had a HUGE garden at the time (50ft x 75 ft) Crazy I know considering I was working fulltime then. Anyway I had planted 20 or so tomato plants for canning. Every morning I would walk the gardens to see if anything could be harvested, deadhead the flowers, and just check the stuff. Now mind you we were having a horrible summer. So hot. Very little rain. My water bill was astronomical. I had buckets and barrels of water because bygosh I was NOT gonna let my plants wither I had worked to hard on this garden. The deer has eaten just about everything else (including my apple tree saplings) EXCEPT my tomatoes. They stood there like lush green soldiers all in a row with a bounty of tomatoes JUST waiting to turn. Then it happened. I went out the next morning, basket in hand, my mouth watering to pick the juicy red maters I had been dreaming about. And what greets me. Carnage. The dang deer had come through STRIPPED my plants bare and the tops were sheered off like someone had taken hedge clippers to them! I screamed and cursed so loud my husband hauled butt to the backyard because he thought I was hurt. Or being attacked.

    1. Tonya - Now that is one of the funniest things I've read!! I LOVE it!! I can totally imagine that happening. I guess the deer were saving them for "dessert", ha. Sorry that happened. Any solution?

  3. That's a good one! It's so true!

    1. Robin - I'm sensing a theme here. "Caution - Deer Ahead". Great, I can't wait. Ha.

  4. I do not hunt and I like Deer, except when they get into the garden! I had sweet potato's that they got to and eat the plants all the way to the ground! I though they were a total loss and forgot about them. The weeds took over and the sweets hid under them. When I cleaned out the garden for winter and removed the weeds, I got 8 1/2 pounds off of 5 plants!

  5. Tom - Another AWESOME story! I love that. Hey, I guess the silver lining in this story is that we should be thankful deer can't dig into the ground, ha. Thanks for sharing!!!

  6. I don't have problems with deer, but rabbits are another story. I wish my prairie would attract a bobcat or two. Good luck keeping the deer away.


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